What Does This Urine Test Result Indicate?
As advised
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Such infection is never acquired by using public / railway toilet. This is possibly due to her taking less water during such journey to avoid to go to the toilet. This happens naturally and she should take plenty of oral fluids including water.
Read the report.
The report of pus cells of > 100 is a bit difficult to decipher / understand but it is OK, this may be the way they write in XXXXXXX Due to so many pus cells the proteins will be seen as reported.
I was wondering with so much infection your wife has only pain in the urine area.
Do you mean to say she has no fever, no chills and no pain in abdomen ??
Was the urine given in a sterile container supplied by the laboratory or just a cleaned bottle at home?
Continue the medicines given by your Doctor and He may change over or may continue the same as per the report of culture and sensitivity report.
Ask you wife to take plenty of water in any form, flushing out the infection with more water is very important. No sexual contact till she gets OK.
Also advisable to have rest, get at least one ultrasonography and if possible to get Intraveous Pyelography ( IVP) done.
I hope she is not diabetic or has a history of Tuberculosis in her or in family.
More investigations / Urologist & Gynecologist
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Thanks for your feedback.
You are right, in some cases so many pus cells indicate a problem more than just a urinary tract infection.
So is the need for further investigations::
Blood- CBC, urea, creatinine, sugar.
X-ray Chest
Urine for Tuberculosis
May be- Quantiferon gold test if TB is suspected by your Surgeon / Urologist.
Good that you used sterile container.
The Precautions:
Treatment till she is cured of the infection and declared by the Urologist that she is fit. UTI needs a long treatment, removal of the stone or other forms of obstruction if found on investigations. Gynecologist's Examination to see that she does not have any Gynecological problems like white discharge or other forms of infection- if present you should also take a 7 day course of antibiotic, metronidazole and anti-fungal ( if you too have balanoposthitis or such problems- these are normal and usual problems in many couples).
Please ask for more if you need further information or clarification.
Definitely Urologist
Detailed Answer:
It is good that the consulting Doctor is Gynecologist at the moment. This means that the Gynecologist must have ruled the Gynecological reasons like prolapse and related infections which I already discussed with you.
I think it is the best to consult an Urologist so that she will be thoroughly investigated to go to the root cause and get her cured.