What Is Dilated Hepatic Vein?
I have been diagnosed through ultra sound with a small hepatic hemangioma then i did CT triphasec to confirm it & the opinion was "likely hemangioma" i also did AFP test which showed a normsl result . Then i took my films to a 3 Radiologists in France who told me that i don't have hemangioma , i just have mild dilated hepatic vein . & it was wrong interpretation from my Dr in Egypt . What is the dilated hepatic vein & why the Drs in Egypt missed it ? Is it very simillar to hemangioma ?
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Thanks for posting your query.
I am Dr.R.K and I am pleased to assist you.
Since I have not seen the CT pictures, I cannot comment whether it is a hemangioma or a dilated hepatic vein. I cannot say who is right - the doctors in Egypt or the doctors in France.
Hepatic veins are blood vessels that carry blood from the liver to the inferior venacava. Inferior venacava is the big blood vessel that carry blood from the lower part of the body to the right side of the heart.
There are three hepatic veins that drain in to the inferior venacava. If there is any obstruction to the blood flow or if the right heart function is affected, then the hepatic veins get dilated- which means they increase in their diameter.
Hemangioma on the other hand is abnormally formed blood vessel which most often is harmless.
So hemagioma and dilated hepatic veins are not similar and are totally different things.
I hope that answers your question.
Let me know if I can assist you further.
Also why they miss read it with a hemangioma ( pls note that they are 3 seniors radiologists at one of the biggest hospitals in France ( XXXXXXX Pompidou )& they told me nothing to worry about it is just a dilated hepatic vein . I am very confused .
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Why the doctors at Egypt missed it- I cannot say.
But if you feel that the doctors at France are XXXXXXX radiologists with good experience, then you have to go with their opinion.
Strenuous physical activity like what you have mentioned will not cause your hepatic vein to dilate as long as your heart function is normal.
I hope that answers your question.
Let me know if I can assist you further.
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You can ignore the "needle" pain which lasts for a second. Most often it does not signify anything serious.
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