What Is Duct Ectasia ?
Thanks for the query.
If you meant there are secretions from your breast by "my breasts are leaking", then it may mean a duct ectasia ( dilatation of ducts of the glands causing secretions ) or an inflammation/infection of the breasts. If you have fever , tenderness and redness over the breasts , I would think of an infection. In such a case you will need a course of antibiotics and pain killers like TYLENOL and NSAIDs.
A bloated feeling, stomach cramps, nausea, mood swings may all mean an up coming cycles. Though they may also be seen in pregnancy, they are not very specific.
I suggest you repeat the urine pregnancy test again after a week, if your cycles do not show up by then, and see a gynecologist accordingly.
I would also want to know these details:
1.When was your last cycle? are your cycles regular?Describe your menstrual cycle.
2.Are you sexually active? If yes , when was the last time you had a sexual intercourse?Do you have children?
3.Are you on birth control pills or any other method of contraception?
4.Do you have any other medical complaints or are you on any medicines?
The answers for above would help me in giving a better answer.
Anticipating your reply.