Question: Lesions and deep holes with tunneling started from mior staph , anibiotics fixed. Had oddecleasion on torso looked like the textureof orange with raised purple edged and nect to it appeared amsall hole eventually i had not this kind but dieferent lesions from favce neck had large skintexture circle with thick raised edge. Many on my torso with one cavity many tunnells my legs too each calf in same spot has hole , one had blood clot that i had procedure and ii have lesions on
kidney and
liver , ruptered silicone implantand the area the
bug bite three draining holes fills up with round flesh balls they hurts and fall out snd more come every other weer ,no doctor will take my case when caviyie thatheals over breaks open and mushylesh and smelly frown ballshaped some out been tp derm, ifectious who disnt even lokkat them said iwas fine the average blood tests taken. I cant even mention the spider bitethey assume i am sayig ithik i have bugs and worms i my body when i dont, just the one, i had to goto hotel my family didnt want to catch it which is deemed not contageous , ihave a pic after my wound nurse cleaned a cavity a blob with white dots came in middle of night
I have many more like this embarrassed to ahow . The one on my shoulder is wher the tiny bites were the edge that is pig, just gets bigger. Have taken$ 3000 in teats, no parasite, dark blood in feces
Once again went to 4 era all said the was not emergency, in
severe pain and the other are larger and deeper. anyone in this site near culver city , Los Angeles care to take a consult BCBSTX
Ppo 100 percent oop already done