Brief Answer:
Medications very likely to help
Detailed Answer:
I suggest you have few basic tests - these include an
ultrasound of your kidneys and bladder and
prostate, a urine analysis for any indication of urinary infection, and a uroflowmetry to assess the speed at which you are passing urine. You can get the sonologist to see how much of urine is being left behind after you void urine.
I see no reason why you should resist medications - most of them are very safe. If your flow rate is slow, and if some urine is staying behind after you pass urine, drugs like
Flomax which are called alpha-blockers could help significantly. In the first few days after you have been started on the medicines, you might develop a mild reeling sensation, especially after you have lying down, but this soon passes, and rarely needs discontinuation of medication. You will find urine flow to be better tha earlier, and frequency could come down to a comfortable level
If the flow rate is very good, and the problem is only
frequent urination, your bladder could be overactive, and you could benefit from medication like
Vesicare or Detrusitol which belong to a group of drugs known as anti-cholinergics. The problem is - they can cause
dry mouth, and vision disturbances, and might even get your bladder to shut down completely in high doses so taking them alone initially might not be a good idea.
I doubt if 'fallen bladder' is an issue. It is more likely in females.
Hope I have been able to help you.