Question: Patient on 200mg
seroquel and 10 mg Valium, 60 mg
cymbalta daily last 8 yrs. was on slow taper of cymbalta last 12 months from 60mg to 20 mg. ,complained of pain and agitation ,Doc prescribed
Tylenol 3 30/300. 2x day and
Ativan 0.5 1x a day to help last 4 months of taper drop from 30 to 20mg. All of a sudden past week, Person now paranoid, depressed, panic stricken, and most important will not leave the house, lays down alot, will not shower, however will eat and watch tv, play with cat, Person has hx of
anxiety problem due to
learning disability and reduced coping skills from childhood. TSH 4.3. Increased seroquel to 300mg and cymbalta back to 30 mg. she complains of sweats now. Hospitalization not a option, person shuts down completely to staff, it has happened 2x before when I took that route,at home person at least living ,but can't tell
psychiatrist that, don't want to hear it. They just medicated her like a guinea pig ( 8 diff psych drugs, total 1000mg daily), then if recovery not fast enough, threat off to the state insane institution. What caused this to happen? Was it the Ativan and Tylenol?
Please help don't know what to do? I don't want to lose my wife.
Is there a psychiatrist doc on line that can help. Please