What Is The Cause And Treatment For Swollen Lymph Node?
Do not worry relax.
Detailed Answer:
Thanks for asking to HCM,
I have gone through your query.
The lymph node size if 7 mm then do not worry ,it doesnot come under criteria of any disease.
There are many lymph nodes in the neck and any infection from mouth , teeth , throat can come to the lymph nodes .Lymph nodes are like policemen of our body they catch hold of the bacteria and kills it in reaction the themselves increase in size , and when increased we take antibiotic to help the nodes in killing the bacteria.This is a simple way of understanding.
If you had fever and enlarged node which subsided with antibiotic 2 months back then no need to worry , it could have been some infection in throat and which decreased with antibiotic.
For any enlarged node the very first treatment is antibiotic only and if it decreases with it then need not worry. And you have CT scan done which is normal .
It is important that do you have any problem now?
If not then relax.
Hope to have answered , if in doubt do reply.
My swollen lymph node is still persistent and has not changed in size.I have a question on the ultrasound report.The report says small cystic Sub mandibular lymph node ~ 7mm.When does a lymph node become cystic.When i searched in the internet it says cyst formation in a cervical lymph node is an indicator of malignancy of either thyroid cancer or squamous cell carcinoma.I am really worried about this.Can infection or inflammation cause cystic lymph node.
My CT scan did not mention anything about the architecture of the nodes.CT scan says everything is normal.Is there any possibility that leison is missed in the scan.
read the description
Detailed Answer:
Thanks for asking to HCM
Small Nodes Less than 7 MM are just reactive Nodes And have no significance.
According to the guidelines any Node more than 8mm Size on USG there are Chances of Metastatic disease ie the Cancer disease which you are talking about.
What i suggest to my patients is to get the Node removed Surgically, and get its histopathology .
ie Get the Tissue diagnosis. It is a very simple surgery can be done under local anaesthesia .
what seems is that there Should be nothing but if its worrying you then get it removed .
C T scan Should have noted The node, but either there could have been error in diagnosis on reporting the scan, Or the scan has taken images at distance of 10MM, and so a node of size 7mm is missed. or thirdly it could be that , your CT scan was before the use of antibiotic and because of antibiotic the pus has formed in the node , which will eventually get absorbed.
So i would suggest wait and watch for the node size to decrease but if it does not and is worrying you then get it removed.
Hope to have Answered your question. ..
In doubt do reply.
Thanks for the reply.CT scan did recognize the node and in the report it was mentioned as " noted few small lymph nodes in sub mandibular region in normal limits"It been three months now since it has shown up.Shall i wait for two more months for further evaluation.
Off late i am experiencing burning sensation and pain on left side of the mouth(jaw,tongue and cheek).Is it because of the use of amoxicillin tablets