What Is The Cause Of White Cracks That Bleed On The Foreskin ?
Thanks for the query.
In males beneath the foreskin of penis smegma gets collected. This is a normal collection which needs to be cleaned regularly. When foreskin is retracted this can be easily seen as grayish white thing.
In case of tight foreskin, which can not be retracted completely at times this smegma can not be effectively cleaned which can lead to infection of the part and is known as Balanoposthitis and I feel that he might be suffering with this condition leading to symptoms described by you.
It would be better to get him examined by a Dermatologist as he requires a course of antibiotics or antifungal and if tight foreskin is present then might be advised for Circumcision.
Meanwhile you can ask him to follow these measures:
1. Maintain local hygiene, to regularly wash the part with soap and water.
2. To use a Condom during sexual intercourse.
3. Can apply petroleum jelly or lignocaine gel while retracting the foreskin to clean.
4. Avoid forceful stretching of the foreskin.
5. To use cotton undergarments and to change it atleast twice a day.
Hope this answers your query, In case of any doubts I am available for follow ups.