What Is The Difference In Feeling A Heart Flutter Or An Esophageal Flutter?
An esophageal flutter is more of a sensation of tightening of the chest or a discomfort that is felt right in the middle of the chest behind the sternum.
A heart flutter is best described as either an awareness ones heart beat or skipping a beat or a sensation of your pulse racing.
Considering that you burp immediately after the flutters in your throat area, it is more of an esophageal flutter.
My sincere advice to you is to increase your fluid intake as this can help you in solving your problem to a very good extent. Starting your day by taking 2 glasses of water can change the course of the day.
Its nice to know that your BP is under control. Anxiety can manifest as palpitations and it is during this time when you have symptoms specifically related to the heart. A sensation of your heart pounding will be evident during an episode of anxiety neurosis which is rather an extreme form of anxiety and unlikely in your case.
Just a query on whether your bleeding has completely stopped or not.
Menopausal symptoms can extend for one to two years. The symptoms of menopause like hot lushes, vaginal dryness and mood swings start much before the actual menopause, a condition known as premenopausal syndrome. Its only when the bleeding stops completely for a full one year do we say that a woman has attained menopause.
I hope I have answered your query to your satisfaction.
Take care.