Brief Answer:
Detailed Answer:
Thanks for writing to us with your health concern.
HPV is
human papilloma virus - that causes genital warts, and can cause head and neck cancers.
It does NOT cause herpes.
You cannot get HPV by kissing , only by
oral sex, and definitely by vaginal / anal sex.
Now, if you meant HSV (
herpes simplex virus ) - that does cause herpes.
( Could you clarify which one you meant ? )
There are two kinds of herpes virus.
Herpes simplex type 1 or Oral Herpes mainly affects the mouth, occasionally causing blisters elsewhere. THese breakouts around the mouth, are called cold sores.
It can be transmitted by kissing / oral sex.
Herpes simplex type 2 or
Genital Herpes causes blisters mainly around the genitalia, but very rarely elsewhere on the body.
This is mainly transmitted by vaginal / oral / anal sex. This type of herpes is generally not contracted by kissing.
Regarding signs of herpes around the mouth, the time between acquiring the infection and appearance of symptoms can range from 2 - 20 days. Initally, there is itching around the area ,
tingling, burning, with our without pain, and then sores appear. THis is for those who DO show symptoms.
More often than not, for HSV 1 , people are more likely to be asymptomatic than show an obvious cold sore.
The usual presentation is for the itching / tingling / burning to occur ( prodrome ) - followed by actual sores. However, atypically you might feel some malaise, general feeling of
fatigue and being ill, nausea, fever,
headaches, enlargement of lymph nodes in the throat or armpits.
Rather than worrying so much, you should have a viral swab test to confirm if you are infected.
All the best.
Looking forward to hearing from you.
Take care.