What Is The Reason And Cause For Polycystic Ovarian Symdrome?
Thanks for the query.
POLY CYSTIC OVARIAN DISEASE ( PCOD ) is characterized by menstrual irregularities,amenorrhea,immature follicles,weight gain,obesity,impaired fertility,hypertension and increased amount of hormones.
It is a female hormonal imbalance where maturing eggs fail to be expelled from ovary,creating an ovary filled with immature follicles resulting in formation of multiple cysts.These cysts result in hormonal imbalance which ultimately results in more cysts and enlarged ovaries.
It is characterized by ANOVULATION ( no formation of eggs) irrespective of periods( regular or irregular or absent) and hyperandrogenism( increased male hormones )
Women with PCOD who conceive have high rate of fetal loss.
Women with PCOD have fewer chances of conceiving.Normal women get 12 chances in a year while PCOD females get only 3 to 4 chances in a year due to delayed periods.
Causes of PCOD are
Family history
Young diabetic women treated with injection insulin.
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last yr once there was delay in mensus but after mensus came i did not scan orcheck on this problem
Family history or genetics doesn't mean you parents or grand parents only.
It can go back even more.
You must consult a GYNEC and get yourself investigated throughly.