What Is The Reason For Hair Loss And Prominence Of Veins On The Forearms And Hands?
Regarding the prominence of the veins in your arms I certainly think there is a contributing factor related to your recent weight loss. With 15 pounds of weight loss the layer of adipose or fat which is in the areas of your arms and even hands becomes more thin. When this happens your veins can easily become more prominent. In addition if the weather is warm the veins will dilate in those areas to help cool the body.
As far as the hair loss I don't think this is related. I would be sure to have your thyroid evaluated with an exam and some blood tests to make sure there is no limitation in function which can sometimes trigger some hair loss.
I thank you again for submitting your question. I hope you found my answer to be both helpful and informative. Should you have additional concerns I would be happy to address them.
Dr. Galamaga