Question: Hi
Best wishes of the day.
I feel
belching whenever waking up from the bed or getting off the chair, or even touching my chest, or moving my hands, or moving my neck, or while driving in a unevenly developed road. I am experiencing this issue since 6 months. Now it has been reduced to 80% due to home remedy. Now gradually getting in good shape.
The problem started when I took NONI Fruit juice to replace pain killer for chest
muscle pain and COSTOCHONDRITTIS. And applying anti muscle pain cream on the chest.
Took general checkup like blood pressure, urine test, ECG and Abdomen & Chest
X ray. The report was good and there wasn't any issues.
The Doctor gave PAN D and
GANATON 10 for some month, which never worked properly. So I took home remedy like ginger water with fennel seeds(every day) and Green tea, twice a day. Its working good now.
I avoided vegetables like cabbage, cauliflower, beans, and broccoli, Daal, Milk, fruits, junk food etc.
Would you tell me the remedy and how long it will take to cure?
Thank you.