Brief Answer:
Another test, other options exist,
Detailed Answer:
Hi and thanks for the query,
The window period means a period of time where even if one is infected, the person tests negative with the normal or usual tests used. The tests used generally detect, not the virus itself, but
antibodies produced against the virus. early during the infection, the amount of antibodies produced is generally too little to be detected by the test. One has the virus but tests negative, this is the window period.
At first, the window period was three months with the older tests, but today, with the new tests, even infections of a few weeks old can be detected.
I understand you have had to do numerous tests. However, it is still reasonable for you to get another
HIV test for one main reason: you can never be a hundred percent sure that your partner has not had unprotected or a risky sexual exposure along the line.
More sensitive tests like Anti gen P24 and PCR (polymerase chain reaction) detection tests, could give very sensitive results, even if the infection is a few weeks old. This test is however relatively more expensive.
In case you are not exposed to these tests, you could still do the normal test. In case its negative, you make sure you stay safe, no unprotected sex or risky behavior, and get a last confirmatory screening test after a month.
Thanks and kind regards and hope this helps. Please, do feel free asking follow up questions in case you got any specific concerns.
DR Bain