What Oral Medications Can Be Used To Treat Klebsiella Pneumonia?
Klebsiella bacteria is ubiquitous in nature. They can be found on the skin, in the gastrointestinal tract, throat.
Some persons are carriers for these bacteria.
Klebsiella pneumonia can cause different infections such as pneumonia or urinary tract infections
For pneumonia acquired in the community-quinolones and 3rd generation cephalosporins may be used.This would include medications such as monifloxacin and ciprofloxacin as quinlones.
There are only a few 3rd generation cephalosporins that can be taken orally , most are iv, examples of the oral ones are cefixime or ceftibuten, cefpodoxime.
If the pneumonia was aquired during hospital stay then iv and im medication may be the best.
For urinary tract infections- if it is not associated with complications then the use of appropriate antibiotics for 3 days may be enough.
If there are complications then prolonged treatment for 14 to 21 days may be needed.
The above named medications can also be used for this type of infection though if is is an uncomplicated infection, it may respond to simpler antibiotics.
I hope this helps, feel free to ask any other questions
If it was acquired in a hospital setting it is possible it may be one of the more resistant bacteria.
Your doctor may try one of the oral 3 rd generation cephalosporins mentioned such as cefixime, ceftibuten and cefpodoxime.
If this are not effective then you would need the stronger IV medications to eliminate it
Your doctor may recommend a culture to be sent to the lab to see if the bacteria would respond to these antibiotics or if it is resistant.
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It is a third generation cephalosporin which can be used with this bacteria.
It should treat the bacteria but again some persons may be infected with bacteria that is resistant to some antibiotics.
As mentioned your doctor may consider re culturing your urine to make sure that the bacteria present is not resistant to any of the antibiotics that may be commonly used.
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This drug is in the quinolone antibiotic family which is one of the family of drugs that is recommended for this bacteria.
It will hopefully work for you.
They may give it for an extended period of time.
If the bacteria is resistant to it, iv or im medication may be tried next.
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