What Should Be Done After Accidental Ingestion Of Stapler Pin?
Should I take some mitigatory steps?
Get X-Ray.
Detailed Answer:
Welcome To HCM. I am Dr Anshul Varshney. I understand your concern.
Most of the time the stapler pins are very small in size and it usually passes out unabsorbed through stools. However it can get obstructed in the mucosa of stomach and intestine and can cause abrasions and very rarely intestinal obstruction.
In such scenario, I advice my patients to get X-Ray neck, chest and Abdomen done. It will give idea of the exact location of the pin.
I advice to get daily follow up X-Ray to determine the location till they pass out in stools.
Increase consumption of Papaya, and increase fiber in diet. Also drink plenty of water so as to expel the pin.
Share my opinion with your doctor.
I hope it helps.
If you have any further query, please ask me.