What Tests Should Be Done To Diagonose HIV?
PCR test for HIV mRNA recommended
Detailed Answer:
I understand your plight & empathise.
It surprises me pleasantly that the gentleman provided you with a medical test after assaulting you & that at least is a silver lining.
Since he is negative & I assume you did not have any cuts/abrasions on your genitalia, you are relatively safe & in the clear.
However, so as not to leave anything to chance given your concern for your family & for your own mental peace, I suggest you do a PCR test for HIV mRNA that will give you a clear indicator of your status 2 weeks from the deed with the best possible clearance & it will pick up small loads of virus as opposed to the standard Elisa for HIV test.
I am hopeful for you that this will come negative & you can then bury this incident as a one-off & carry on with your life. Do remember to always carry protection on you for your safety in the future.
Good Luck & Godspeed!
Dr Praveen Rodrigues MD