What Would Cause Blood Blisters On My Soft Palette?
Your question is a good one and I will try to provide you with good information and recommendations regarding what is going on.
The most likely triggering factor is that the mucosa in your mouth was sensitive to one of the ingredients in the salad or possibly the dressing. This is commonly due to a reaction to egg, the acidic component of the salad dressing or possibly due to a direct traumatic effect if the crouton rubbed against the back of your throat while swallowing.
This could be coincidental with a mild viral infection which could cause inflammation of the soft palette as well.
As for treatment I recommend you try to drink plenty of fluids, take some ibuprofen 600 mg three times daily for the next 3 days, rest and support your immune system and I would expect these to rapidly resolve.
I thank you again for submitting your query and hope my answer has served to be both helpful and informative. should you have additional concerns I would be happy to address them.
Dr. Galamaga
Thank you for your help.
In light of the information you submitted the only real likely culprit here is the local trauma from the sharp surface of the crouton.
I would be interested to know the interval change you have experienced in symptoms. I would expect a significant improvement of your symptoms by now.
If this is not the case we would have to consider some alternatives. Please update me as to how you are doing.
Wishing you good health.
Dr. Galamaga
Thanks, XXXXXXX Lowe
Thanks for the follow up.
This is great news! Thank you for the followup and update. I think we can rest assured that the natural tendency of your body to heal itself will now take over to restore your healthy soft palette.
Again I thank you for the query and hope you found this interaction to be helpful. Let me know if there is anything else i can help you with in the future.
Dr. Galamaga