When Is The Time To Consult A Doctor For Abdominal Distension?
Abdominal distention is likely due to Ascites
Detailed Answer:
Hello and Welcome
I appreciate your concern
You should plan your visit to a gastroenterologist , sooner rather than later. Hepatitis C can lead to cirrhosis of the liver if left untreated. Cirrhosis can lead to portal hypertension which causes ascites. Ascites presents as Abdominal distention ,Bulging flanks and Shifting dullness upon a physical examination. If indeed its ascites , In case of mild to moderate ascites, treatment consists of diuretics, albumin and water restriction. Transjugular intrahepatic porto systemic shunt (TIPS) and Therapeutic Paracentesis should be reserved for large or diuretic resistant ascites. Bilirubin, Albumin, Pro thrombin levels in the blood and encephalopathy assessment should be done to know about the synthetic capability of the liver. Urea/BUN , electrolytes and creatinine levels should be done to rule out HRS ( Hepatorenal syndrome).
Please consult your doctor before deciding on any further course of action
wishing you best of health