Which Is The Best Contraceptive Method?
Please suggest the best contraceptive method for women as we are looking for 2 years time period gap for our second child if preferred later.
Another question is what is the cost of copper T in india ? Please suggest if any best brand available in that.
Intrauterine device or IUD.
Detailed Answer:
Thanks for your query.
The best method I feel in such a situation is an intrauterine device. You can choose between the copper device or the hormonal device. Though oral contraceptives also can be used, they need more monitoring, have more side effects and can be missed. Barrier methods need to be used very cautiously and if clubbed with safe period, offer good protection.
The usual cost of copper-T ranges from Rs. 300- Rs. 400. Charges of application can vary from place to place. Some of the good brands are the Bayer and company, Duramed and Prosan. You can choose with the help of the consultant.
Hope your query is clarified. Please feel free to contact for further clarifications. I will be happy to help.
Both have their own benefits and risks.
Detailed Answer:
Thanks for writing back.
Copper device contains copper ions while a hormonal device contains a progestin, levonorgestrel, the medication which is found in emergency pills. Any of them can be used, preference is the choice. While the copper device kills the sperms by releasing the copper ions, the hormonal device works in a form similar to the pills, killing sperms and thinning the endometrial lining.
The copper device can be easily used for a longer time than the hormonal device, which remains effective up to 5 years. Regular monitoring is a must for both. Menstrual blood loss and pain may be increased with a copper device while this is not seen with a hormonal device. The latter may cause ovarian cysts as it is hormonal; these usually regress later. Efficiency-wise, hormonal device is slightly more efficient.
So, if there is a known history of any reaction to oral pills any time, it would be better to opt for the copper device; if not, hormonal device can be tried.
Hope I have clarified your query. Please contact for more information. I will be ready to help.