Why Does Heart Rate Rise When Walking Up Stairs?
I shall make an effort to provide you with good professional recommendations specific to your questions.
Increased heart rate or tachycardia occurring during vigorous activity like walking upstairs in your case can be normal mostly. As the metabolic demands of body increases, so does the heart beat, in order to supply the increased blood supply to the muscles.
Now, what can be abnormal in this situation - or when you actually need a check is - when you experience palpitations/skipped beats/exhaustion on climbing only 1-2 flights of stairs. Especially, at 34 years of your age - you could normally climb 3-4 floors without undue exhaustion. But, if you think you are easily fatigued, and also have other symptoms associated, then is the time for a check.
Can you also elaborate on your exact question beyond the heart rate cause?
Let me know if I have missed out any other concern in your question.
Yet again, I duly appreciate your query to me, I do hope that you have found something useful to help you and I shall be glad to answer any further apprehensions.
Dr Sujeet N Charugulla,
Consultant Physician.