Wisdom Tooth Erupting, Acute Tonsillitis, Enlarged Tender Glands. Are The Two Related?
Thanks for the query.
You have a wisdom tooth erupting and have also developed acute tonsillitis and enlarged tender glands. No, the two conditions are not related.
As far as the wisdom tooth goes, you can wait for some time to see whether it erupts normally. And if the pain becomes unbearable, see a dentist who will give a XXXXXXX to the overlying tissue to help it erupt. But if the tooth is horizontal then it will not erupt easily and also damage the adjacent tooth; if this happens then it may have to be removed by a dentist.
Regarding throat infection, I suggest you to do warm gargles using salt/potassium permanganate or alum gargles. In addition drink hot fluids and take tylenol twice a day. You should be able to feel better with the gargles in a day or two and if it doesn’t subside, you will have to see your doctor for a course of antibiotics.
Hope I have answered your query. Should you have any further doubts/concerns, I am available to address your concerns. Please accept this answer if you do not have any other queries.
Wish you a speedy recovery.