Wisdom Tooth Extracted. Took Moxikind 625. Feeling Feverish. What Should I Do?
Thanks for posting your query.
I can appreciate your concern. Dental pain is really bad all the time.
Normally after any dental procedure this kind of discomfort is common. You need to wait for couple of days to get relief from this.
Antibiotic that is given to you moxikind 625 and anti inflammatory given to you is flozen plus. Both this drugs will reduce swelling and associated pain.
In case you have more pain you can discuss with your dentist about having option of taking injectable analgesic for pain relief.
As you have already taken ketorol, which is a good analgesic drug, please wait. It should help you.
In mean time,
Take soft diet
Drink more of liquids
Take rest.
I hope this helps and clarifies your concern.
Wishing you him good health and speedy recovery.