I am 30 years old female, married. We are trying to conceive ( ttc ) since last 2 months. My LMP was on 18 Feb 2017. I have regular 28 day cycle with periods lasting up to 4-5 days. Per the calculation, my period was due on 18 March 2017. I didn t have any periods on that day. The next day, 19 March, I experienced light spotting (brownish) ( Initially i thought it was period, but it was nothing like it- no flow, no heavy bleeding just light spotting). I also don t have any period symptoms this time which I always face during period like backache and menstrual cramps. I have had a previous miscarriage in October 2016, underwent D and E the same month and didn t ttc until February 2017. Please advise the reason for light spotting this time.