The stool type you mentioned, is normal for for your son at this age.
Though the Total Serum Bilirubin (TSB) value of 11.6 mg/dl is higher than normal, it could not be abnormal, as your doctor has examined the baby and suggested so.
Let me clarify the fact in some details.
Jaundice is yellowish discoloration of skin and
mucous membrane due to excess of pigment Bilirubin in body. Bilirubin is the product of Hemoglobin degradation after the RBCs in blood die. The type of bilirubin initially produced from Hemoglobin is insoluble in water, it is called the 'unconjugated bilirubin' or 'indirect bilirubin'. Then it is converted to soluble variety by enzymes in liver, and called 'conjugated bilirubin' or 'direct bilirubin'. Body can excrete the soluble variety through kidney (urobilinogen --> Urobilin, in urine) and Bile (stercobilinogen --> stercobilin , in stool) but can not excrete the insoluble variety. Any problem in the path may rise the bilirubin level (direct bilirubin or indirect bilirubin).
Total Serum Bilirubin (TSB) = Direct Bilirubin + Indirect Bilirubin
Causes of jaundice due to increase in direct bilirubin and indirect bilirubin are different.
Causes are -
RBC and hemoglobin defects -- Spherocytosis, Elliptocytosis (hereditary),
sickle cell disease, thalassemia, polycythemia
Enzyme defects - Glucose-6-Phosphate Dehydrogenase (G6PD) deficiency,
Pyruvate Kinase deficiency, Alpha-1-
antitrypsin deficiency, Galactosemia
Immunological - Autoimmune hemolytic anaemia,
Systemic - infections, hypothyroidism, TORCH infections,
Cystic fibrosis, Gilbert's and Crigler-Najjar Syndrome, side effects of medicines
In neonates (less than 4 weeks age) - Physiological Jaundice (normal), Breast milk and breast feeding jaundice, Blood group incompatibility(ABO and Rh) with mother,
Hemolytic Disease of newborn (HDN), cephal hematoma
And IDIOPATHIC - cases where no causes are known.
Besides several such abnormalities, most babies with this bilirubin level are normal.
As, your baby has already been examined by your doctor - possibly he has no abnormalities. It would be better for me to answer, if you could mention the bilirubin fraction (direct and indirect) values.
If bilirubin level persists in higher value, blood G6PD and TSH (
thyroid stimulating hormone) level should be tested.
Hope I could make the fact clear. Post if you have further queries.