12 days ago I was knocked out (or just can't remember what happened) from hitting my head on the windshield in a car accident (going about 70 mph, cracked the windshield). The VA did a few CT scans. I was vomiting. They told me I had a concussion and sent me home. The next day, other than the broken bones in my face, I didn't have any symptoms from a concussion. Ten days post accident, something just felt off. I didn't feel like myself. I also had this bright light flashing occasionally in the outer edge of the eye I hit so I decided to have it checked out. The whole day I sat in the VA ER waiting to be seen and felt completely disassociated with myself. Hard to explain. I tried to explain it to the doctor, but he didn't seem to be getting it. Everything I read says its normal to have anger outburst, but nothing about not feeling anything at all. Speaking is hard at times too. I just can't find the words. And I feel like I'm in slow motion. Tonight, my head started pounding, and I'm hearing a tone in my ear. I guess my question is why did my symptoms start so late, can I expect them to continue to get worse, any insight you can provide to explain why my symptoms aren't typical according to everything I've read. Thank you.