Hello My cousin 24 year/ female, medical student in India is suffering from migraine since 5 years, mainly b/ l occipital and temporal area Became daily headache since 2-3 years she was tried all classes of preventive and abortive medicines with no benefit, She received Botox infections 5 times, with each time relief for 10-15 days only Underwent pulsed Radio frequency ablation of B /L occipital nerve- no benefit Underwent phenol neurolysis -of B/l occipital nerves- no relief Underwent B/l occipital nerve decompression and b/ l zygomaticotemporal nerve resection-15 days back Now her headache severity reduced 30-40%, frequency reduced from 4 attacks per day to 2 attacks now, I want to ask about effective prohylactic drugs if any, she tried propranolol , topiramate and amitryptiline previously with no significant response, Right now she is taking amitryptiline 10 mg since last 1 week, Naratriptan works rarely, sumatriptan not works Plz suggest effective preventive and abortive medication for her Thank you