left side tingling/numbness the left side of my body is tingling. It starts in my hand then travels up to my face, and in my foot traveling up my leg. It is almost like they have fallen asleep but it lasts for hours -days. My foot has actually been like this non-stop since late december. The first time it happened I was admitted to the hospital on suspection of a demyelination disorder. After several tests (mri,ct,blood) I was sent home. Nothing was determined and after a month everything returned to normal, other than my foot. I had several follow up appointments with a neurologist to find nothing and i have basically been dismissed. The tingling is starting again and i do not want to go through the whole process again. I do suffer from migraines, but they are fairly well controlled wih 50mg of amitriptyline daily before bed (also used to help with sleeping) and sumatriptan for when a migraine does occur. I have not had a migraine for two months, which is much better than the weekly migraine I was victim to and the week long migraine during menstruation. So, i do not think it is aura from the migraines. I still have full control of all areas other than I feel a like I am drunk/tipsy. Its like my depth perception is off so my limbs crash into things, like a clumsy drunk person. Other neurologic history includes a siezure after a sledding accident a year ago. No previous seziures or any following. Surgical history includes a left knee scope and right shoulder scope. Family history: pternal grandfather with type 2 diabetes, paternal grandmother has had a myocardial infarction, maternal grandfather had double bypass. Besides the amitriptyline i am also taking minoxycline for acne and yaz. I am a 21 year old Caucasian woman. I am also a second year pharmacy student at ndsu, so i know what i am experiencing is not normal.