Hi, my daughter is nearly 5 years old, she has been unwell for 6 weeks now, has had a cough ever since, and has had a fever . She seems very ill and lethargic for hours then seems well enough to watch TV for awhile or eat, then she needs to lie down again with a blanket as she keeps getting chills. Her head , hands and arms (body) feel very hot but taking her temperature by forehead with a digital thermometer varies between 38.3 to 38.9 degrees. She seems to be sleeping alot, all night long as well as during the day. She has complained of ear ache and that she can not hear properly, she has also complained of a sore neck (this is not a constant problem), and she s mentioned her tummy hurts but she can t say exactly where. First we just gave her calpol for a couple of weeks then we went to the doctors a few weeks ago and she was put on antibiotics , cough medicine and ibrufen - she finished all these. She was checked again by another doctor at the surgery , her ears were checked and urine but nothing found, and has since been put on another antibiotic, but she is still the same, the medication has had no effect. What should i do and should my doctors refer her to the hospital? Please help