my mother 60yrs. having ESR level 99.her uric acid level is also high 9. LDL cholestrol is 133.last year in february she was diagnosed with a TB infection,at that point of time ESR was 113,uric acid level 9.5.her cholestrol level was within limit.after taking treatment for TB till November,her ESR level Jst came down to 93 only and other test were also not good.she had a lot off side effects due to these medicines.than we started homeopathic treatment in Dec,11.homeopathic doctor told us that treatment was wrong ,it was not a May,12 her ESR was within limit i.e. below 30,uric acid was 7.LDL cholestrol was 137.last month she got a throat infection,that lasted for more than 2 weeks,now her cough is fine.jst 2 days back we did all tests again,this time again her ESR level is high 99 and uric acid is 99.kindly tell some home remedy to reduce this ESR level.shall we go for some other tests.why it is rising again and again.kindly revert soon.