A friend just had a lady who had been stationed on a military establishment helping soldiers build hospital in Liberia come back and she is staying in her home. She was NOT quarantined. Now that lady who was in Liberia has come down with sinus drainage, sore throat and slight fever. My friend has also started having the same symptoms.
When the person who is supposed to be monitoring the lady from Liberia called her to see how she is doing, she lied and told her she was fine. My friend and I are very upset about this wondering if she is trying to hide something.
The lady who was in Liberia also mentioned to my friend that a young man in his thirties had died of a "heart attack" while stationed there building the hospitals, housing, etc. Now I am aware that young men do die from heart attacks, but again, just wondering if this is possible cover up since there was such a stink about the US sending military to be builders over there.
Is there someone we could call that would make the friend go get tested for Ebola so everyone will feel safe and not worry?