Hello, My problem is that I feel distracted, and I cannot focus on one thing, especially studying even though I used to study 5 hours a day. Sometimes, even though there is nothing in my mind, I feel there is like a wall that keeps me from focusing studying. I was diagnosed with ADD last year. I also was diagnosed with depression and anxiety . I started by taking Adderall , Klonopin , and a medication for anxiety that causes sleepiness. I felt much better, and I could concntrate easily at that time. However, I started sleeping 14 hours a day, so my psychiatrist stopped both Adderall and decreased the dosage ofthe other medication that I don t know its name. She then gave me Concerta and abilify in addition to Klonopin. I felt as good as I was, and could easily concentrate. However, the same problem with sleeping came again. At that time, she stopped the medication that I don t remember its name and Concerta. She gave me wellbutrin and strattera . She gave me a low dose of strattera, and was planning to increase it later. After a month, I moved to a new city, and I told my psychiatrist that since I started using strattera, I didn t feel any improvement, so she stopped it. Since that time, about six month ago, my new psychiatrist has changed the dosage of each medication except wellbutrin. She said that I might not have ADD, but anxiety and depression are causing it, so she haven t gave me any ADD medication. She also says that medications conflict with each other. My concentration has not improved since that time, and sometimes, it decreased. I actually think that what I have is ADD and it makes me worried becuase I cannot study. I feel like I don t have anxiety or depression. How can I know if I have ADD or not? Do I need to find a new psychiatrist ? since my current psychiatrist has not helped me for 6 months. Please, help me. I am having hard time studying, and I am worried about my future. Thanks