Hello, anthony5o,
The location of the pain with some
radiation to the back and the recurrent
nature of the pain indicates, that you are sufferring from recurrent
Acute Pancreatitis, inflammation of your
pancreas. Elevated Amylase
and Lipase supports this diagnosis.
Now, as to the cause of this, there are many.
One is alcohol excess, second is associated
gallbladder problems,
there are Viral infections, auto-immune causes also for this.
There is also a small percentage of patients who don't really have
a cause and this is called "Idiopathic".
You have had classical symptoms of nausea,
vomiting and abdominal
pain. I don't think miralax is going to cure this.
You need to have a gallbladder sonogram and a CT-Scan of the abdomen
to get a good look at the pancreas. Depending on the findings, you may
need additional studies and treatment. Please have these done ASAP.
I wish you well.