Since the last week in Feb, I have had abdominal pain. Started with the upper left quadroon, and causes back pain.
My belly is swollen or distended, it becomes worse when I eat. Bowels vary from, normal to diarrhea, very foul smelling. I have been to the ER twice, been to Primary multiple times (who has now dropped me as patient, because I keep asking for pain meds) Pain is pretty much constant and intolerable. Right now i am taking one tramadol with two tylenol every four hours. This helps a little but not much. My white blood count is high (although I don't have #'s, I was told this by PCP. CAT SCAN with contrast dye, did not show any problems with organs. However i do not know it the intestines or colon was looked at. I think the ER is also thinking I may be looking for drugs now too, but I could be just paranoid. I do have Alpha 1 Anti Trypsin and Factor V Leiden. Blood pressure has been high for me since this has started. Normally blood pressure is on good low side, no cholestrol problems, never had any stomach issues in the past. They did find a small Kidney stone on right side, but pain is primarily on above left and center.