About 5 hours ago I started to feel cramping in my lower left abdomen which over the course of a couple hours radiated into my vagina. I then felt nausea but did not throw up. I feel like I have to pee but I already did three hours ago and nothing left to pee out. I'm on the Depo-Provera shot so I'm not pregnant. It doesn't matter if I am standing, sitting, laying on my back, or laying on my side, I still have the same constant sharp cramp that is shooting from my lower left abdomen into the left side of my vagina. I had chills about an hour ago and was sweating profusely. I took an IB Profen over 40 minutes ago and still feel unbearable cramping. I don't have periods. I drank hot tea. I drank 2 cups of ice water. I don't have a fever, my temperature was 98.0 What is wrong with me?