I had a total hip replacement 9 years ago ( porcelain ) and have recently had some aching in the groin and burning in mid-thigh. The other night I got up from a seated position and experienced severe pain in that leg--down my leg and into my shin. My knee seemed to hurt the most. I could put no weight on the leg and I could find no position that relieved the pain. My husband took me to emergency and x-rays were taken of hip, knee, and lower femur . The PA who looked at them (did not see an MD) said they looked fine tho the knee show arthritis . He thought it was the IT band. A couple of days and pain killers and anti-inflammatories later, I can walk--with a limp. Still some pain in groin, outer hip and outer knee. I am away from home and will be for another month. Should I be stretching my IT band? Does the x-ray rule out infection? Does the diagnosis of IT band culprit seem correct based on what I have told you? Thanks, AAAA