Hello, I am concerned about a series of odd symptoms. I first came out in an outbreak of acne , which has eased with the acne cream provided by my doctor. I had chest pain , but my ECG came back good. I have had leg tremors twice. I am very anxious and worried, so I thought it might be stress related. I then developed what I think is either a yeast infection or UTI . It is sore to touch between my legs and my itchy during my last period, which was 5 days late. I may have swollen neck glands... I m very confused by all this and currently have pain at the very bottom of my spine, its dull and achy. I found blood on my tissue, when I last passed a stool. This is the first time this has happened, but I thought I was having problems with IBS a few weeks back (something I have not suffered with for years). I am almost 32. I cannot get an appointment with my doctor till next Thursday, so I thought I would check here. I also should mention that I have been experiencing odd internal feelings in my vagina. It feels like a throbbing mostly, but on occasions (once when I stretched) it felt like a shooting pain. I have had 2 negative pregnancy tests . Any insight would be appreciated, Thank you