Hiya, my names Lauren Im a 22yr old and am 5ft 0 and weigh 8stone 2lbz Ive been suffering for 5weeks and 2days with Chronic Pancreatitus, I got admitted 1st time on christmas eve with it and was kept in for 2weeks and then dischargd with no pain releif at all. I then was only out for 8-9days and admiited again and kept it for 2days and discharged with Ibruufen and Paracetmol which didnt help. I then got admiittd again last Monday and they kept me in for a few hours and discharged me with Co Codamol, but thats not something I can be on long term as its addictive and Im on a Methadone prograame aswel am on 40mls, Iv been on Methadone for nearly 3yrs now and Co Codamol has Opiates in which Methadone n Co Codamol isnt a good combination even though it helps with the pain and my disrupted sleeping, I went to the doctors to aks advice n the ins and outs of Chronic Pancreatitus and wether if she could write a letter to the drug place i go to. But she didnt really help me and my Drug Doctor who prescribes my Methadone prescriptions had written to my doctors and told them that there not going to put my dose down at the minute because it will help with the pain and they think i should be put on Tramadol (another addictive painkiiler). I was wondering if theres any Homotheraphy Remedies I could do or Herbal Remedies I could take to manage the pain of the Pancreatitus, as docters at the hospital, dont the cause of it as i dont drink anymore and blood tests and CT & UltraSound Scans have all come back clear for Gallstones as there the 2 main causes of Pancreatitus.
I did used to be an alcoholic from the age of 16 4 a couple of years and Iv not drank any alcohol for at least 2-3years now. Sooo dont knw if that could have caused my Pancreatitus now or not.
Just wondering if you could help me in any way or advise me on anythin I can do to manage the pain other than taking painkillers 2 help the pain?