Hi, my name is Desiree and I had a CT 7 months ago showing Calcification's at 9mm in popcorn style around a vascular malformation with increased attenuation? I had a hemorrhage already in the same area, and was seen at kaiser for it. It was originally smaller at 4mm now the size is 9, over doubling in size in the last 3 years or so. Is this common growth pattern, to double every 3 to 4 years? if so i might be dead in a few years. I suffer from confusion during episodes and dizziness (increased upon standing and moving positions) I experience loss of facial expression at times have no movement there at all, my motor functions are extremely effected. the most severe episode i had happened 2 weeks ago, i had a sharp pain in the area, followed by increasing dizziness, and within 2 minutes from the sharp pain, my heart rate dropped as it often does, i remained tilted and immobile for about 7 minutes,,, i lost the ability to speak. cumming out of the episode i got the shakes, my left hand was visually swollen and stiff (numb). i remained dizzy most of that day. Can someone explain to me why this is happening? was that a stroke? these episodes happen all the time, not ussually as bad as the one i described but that can happen agian or worse. this is a link to a photo of the Medical findings of my most recent CT. https://www.facebook.com/#!/photo.php?fbid=0000&set=a.0000.0000.0000&type=1&theater I have asked many other sites and few have given me answers. please help me understand. is the growth rate of my calcification normal? there was no sign of calcification in the MRI's i had originally.