i am 24 years old, i am anaemic and have a slightly hight level of prolactin and some uric acid, i am obese, i weigh 85 kilos and i am 167 cm tall, i have currently been working out daily and intensely and strictly dieting and fasting but i cant seem to lose weight, my period is never regular and is always abnormally heavy and lasts for almost 9 days, i have acne that appears randomly and then disappears suddenly and my body and facial hair grows extremely fast however the hair on my head hardy grows and falls rapidly from my scalp, i also have pain in my knees, upper back and shoulders and have a constant need to crack my right shoulder for pain relief. i also suffer from migraines and have constant bloating in my stomach and shooting pain in lower stomach and cramps and discharge i also found cysts in my breast but the doctor said they were not dangerous but i get shooting pain in my breast from time to time.