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Ringing in the ears is called as
Tinnitus.Most common causes of tinnitus are
Earwax,Medicines ,Drinking an excessive amount of alcohol or caffeinated beverages,Ear infections or
eardrum rupture,Injuries,A rapid change in environmental pressure (
barotrauma),Repeated exercise with the neck in a hyperextended position,Vascular problems and Nerve problems.
I would suggest you some remedies, it can help to reduce the symptoms.
Stop drinking alcohol and beverages containing caffeine.
Stop smoking and stop using smokeless tobacco products.
Exercise regularly.
Limit or avoid exposure to the noises.
Try to ignore the sound by directing your attention to other things.
relaxation techniques Try the herbal supplement
ginkgo biloba.
Most tinnitus that comes and goes does not require medical treatment.
You may need to see your doctor if tinnitus occurs with other symptoms, does not get better or go away.
Thank you.