Thanks for using HCM.
I think your doctor wants to try the drug called "praluent"(not prevalent).Praluent is a brand name of the drug named ALIROCUMAB.
It's a newer class of anti-cholesterol drugs recently approved by FDA.Praluent is used to treat
hypercholesterolemia in patients whose cholesterol level is not controlled by usual oral drugs.
ALIROCUMAB works by a unique mechanism.It belong to a newer class of drugs called
Monoclonal AntiBodies (mab at the tail end stands for monoclonal antibodies).
Mode of action is complex.ALIROCUMAB act by inhibiting a protein named PCSK9,which in turn prevent the degradation of cholesterol receptors.So more cholesterol is removed from circulation.
Side effects are very mild according to recent trials which includes injection site reaction,
nausea,gastric disturbances etc.
One problem with this drug is its high cost.You have to spend around 2000$ per month!
Hope I have addressed your query.
Wishing you good health.
With regards
Dr Shinas Hussain