I'm a 41yr old female. Have been having mild twinges of pain/discomfort from the side of left breast, sometimes in chest, then to the other breast, and under the breast/upper rib area for approx. a month. I have high cholesteral which is under control with medication. Had an EKG and it was okay. My heart occassionally feels like it's got an extra beat and going to jump out of my chest. Had checkup with my family dr who said probably muscular but now both breast are aching and it is keeping me awake at night. I do have a family history of heart disease. I had an enlarged lymph node in my neck back in Oct...possibly from dental work and it went away with antibiotics. Then in Dec, had enlarged lymph nodes in both breast but told thats all it was. Just not sure where to go from here. Is it heart related, cancer related, etc. Starting to drive my self crazy. Any suggestions on any other test I should have or do you think it could be muscular?
It cannot be differentiated without an exmination. If the ECG is normal then I dont think that there is no problem with the heart.