As per your complain it seems like you had an
Upper respiratory infection also known as
common cold along and the mucous glob over the
epiglottis along with soreness of the area seems to be due to
Epiglottitis that is inflammation of the epiglottis secondary to infection..
You should take anti inflammatory painkiller like
Ibuprofen to relieve pain and inflammation
Take mucolytics like Bromohexine or Ambroxol to relieve mucous formation..
Do warm saline gargles.
Steam inhalations and using a humidifier in your room will help..
Drink plenty of luke warm water throughout the day..
Avoid spicy and chilled foods..
Taking throat lozenges can also help in soothing the throat..
In case if it still does not improve in a week consult an ENT expert and get evaluated..
Hope this information helps..
Thanks and regards..
Dr.Honey Nandwani Arora.