Hello. Thanks for asking from HCM.
I can understand your concern. It is good that you have almost recovered from
head injury. Sometimes head injury can cause
concussion which may give rise to headache, vertigo,
dizziness, nausea, memory deficit for few days. Usually it resolves on its own. Repeated incidents of concussion is not considered good.
In your case, concussion might be the cause behind occurrence of all these symptoms. You can also observe for other signs of head injury
: decreasing consciousness
: bleed through nose/ear/throat
: onset of new focal deficit
: persistent non relieving headache
If you have any of above signs, consult ER as soon as possible. The doctor might advise CT scan head to rule out fracture or bleed. Further management will be decided after report.
If no above sign, you can follow few tips at home
: Take bed rest
: avoid mental and physical strain
: apply icepacks at injury site
: You can take painkiller like
Diclofenac sodium after proper prescription.
Hope it will help you. If still no relief,
consult doctor.
Viral infection can be ruled out if no fever,
body ache, malaise. You can check fever at home. If it is present, consult physician. You can take
Paracetamol after prescription, take 2.5 to 3 litre fluids, bed rest.It will subside in 7-10 days.
Thanks. Take care