I was sex the Unknown status Woman on June 1st week with condom but she did oral sex on me without condom for five minutes. After some days some small impels happened on my pennies and it was clear without using any medicine. On August 28th I had fever and went to doctor explained all these thinks. He told me go for test hence I took the test name; TRIDOT test and it was come as negative. On September 27th again went for test name: ELISA test and it was as negative. Mind is thinking about this all in my life, now I am suffering from Night sweating, burning on face, stomach pain, and dray caught but temperature is normal. But last night I came to know that she has HIV Positive than gain I went for test name: TRIDOT and it came as negative. I feels very very fear about my life, I want to lead my life and please give me small hope. Please suggest me. And today I had given blood for PCR test,
1) Am I safe from HIV?
2) Are these symptoms are HIV?
3) Do I need for another testing? When?
4) How much chances get HIV to me from her.
5) Are there any chances in changing my status in PCR test?