Okay, Been trying to conceive for a year now. We found out my thyroid, sugar, and insulin were all low and we have all of them on track now with medications for about 6 months. With that being said, I need to know if there is anyway possible that I could have gotten pregnant on the 17th this month and already having symptoms? I had started spotting about 6 days before my period, and it was just enough to when I would wipe. The color went from a brownish color to a pink color, I than had a low flow for about 5 hours. I usually use a whole box of tampons during a period. and i only wore a pad. If there was anything on the pad it would just be a few drops. No tampons. Then when the actual time of my period was suppose to come it didn t. I do need to mention the 24th I woke up at 4am running to the bathroom vomiting. (no alcohol) I haven t consumed any alcohol due to trying to conceive. Than I get really nauseous just thinking about food. I really can barely eat. I also was a big big water drinker. I would drink 6-8 bottles during work 9-5, and a few more after (just depended on how my workouts were that night) Now I am lucky if I can finish A bottle, just one.... a day. When I am getting ready to vomit I feel as if I have a big fever over me and than goes away quite quickly afterwards. I am so moody, I m crying over everything happy/sad/excited etc. I have always had clear skin and about 4 days ago I have started up terrible acne, its everywhere. Could I really be having pregnancy signs already? after 2 weeks? I tested one day and got two negatives, and 2 the next day and they were very faint I mean I had to hold them up to the light and they sat for about 20 minutes before I seen it. Husband actually works out of town so I only get to see him on the weekends and I want to be able to keep calm when he gets home, or be able to tell him whats going on, he wants one so bad so I try not to bring the subject up to him. Thank you so much! Very much appreciated!