Hi dear
Im dr.hema physiotherapist
Yes there are exercises that helps to increase your height.but
60% to 80% of your height is determined by genes.
There might not be a lot you can do to increase your height, but you can take several steps to make sure your natural height isn't shortened by environmental influences.
Drugs and alcohol are both thought to contribute to
stunted growth if they're ingested while you're young, and
malnutrition can keep you from reaching your full height, as well.
1.dont be in diet, proper balanced that includes rich
Vit D
Zinc (peanuts, pumpkin) food helps in growth.
2.stretching exercises for whole body(neck, shoulder, back, abdominal, twists, hip, knee, ankle muscles) do it everyday.dont strain start slowly.
if u have any health illness or issues please evaluate with a practitioner.
3.swimming atleast 3 times per week, can do walking
4.hanging on bar to stretch spain just for few(5-10) seconds if your more weight (bmi) don't try this.
5.be active, play more.
6.take proper rest (sleep)
Finally dont fight with your growth relax and do exercises gently.your height is not too less and still you have got years to grow.
Take care.
In doubt do ask me.