is there anything to worry? guide me with my USG pelvis report... i had done a USG-Pelvis test few months back, as i had irregular periods. here are the details: uterus anteverted n measures-9.1*4.9*6.0cm, myometrial echoes appear normal with no focal lesions identified. Endometrial lining appears intact. endometrical thickness-10mm, right ovary measures-4.5*3.2cm, left ovary measures-3.5*2.3cm, multiple small cyst seen in periphery of left ovary measuring- 3*4mm. no free fluid noted in the pelvis. cervix-3.7cm os closed. IMPRESSION: - a cyst seen in right ovary measuring 3.2*2.5cm. few internal echoes and a thin septum seen within it (?endometrical cyst). - Atypical PCOD seen in left ovary.