Thank you for posting your query.
The medicines help in reducing the initial inflammation and masking the pain. You need a good assessment of your back. The actual diagnosis of a
low back pain depends upon the age of the patient, cause of the pain, and certain tests need to be done.
Does your pain radiate into the leg or is it just in the lower back (where you tie your belt)? If it radiates into the leg then that is a red flag symptom and needs immediate assessment. If the pain is on and off in the waist region and does not radiate then you can be less worried.
The best treatment of any low back pain is to exercise well and make your back and abdominal muscles very strong. The core muscles mainly the multifidus and the erector spinae protect and support the spine. You should visit a certified Ortho Physiotherapist and he would teach you exercises to strengthen your muscles. Generally a 3 month long exercise program strengthens the spine sufficiently that then you should not suffer from pain.
Some examples of exercises that you can look up on the internet are
1. Bridging exercises
2. Straight leg Raise
3. Static abdominal towel press
4. Knee to Chest
5. Hip Abduction/ Extension
These are the basic exercises that will help your pain but you definitely need to visit a good physical therapist.
Get well soon!!!